Empowering Through Assistance: Unveiling the Magic of Google Sheets

Siddique Ahmad
Bazaar Engineering
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2023


Empowering Through Assistance

Helping others has always been a source of inspiration for me. It’s a remarkable feeling to extend a hand, share knowledge, and see the positive impact you can make on someone else’s journey. But what’s even more fascinating is how every act of assistance often leads to a reciprocal learning experience. Recently, such an experience occurred when I sat down with colleagues from our commercial team to help them with a Google Sheets tracker.

The Journey Begins

As I delved into the intricacies of their project, I was introduced to a seemingly magical formula: =Query(A:T, "select B, SUM(C), COUNT(D) group by B"). It immediately piqued my curiosity, and I couldn't help but be awed by the possibilities it offered. Here was a function that allowed us to execute complex database-like queries right within a Google Sheet.

The formula was designed to extract specific data from a vast dataset in a comprehensible and organized manner. In simple terms, it enabled us to summarize data, calculate totals, and group information based on a chosen parameter. In this case, it was grouping data by a certain column (column B), summing up another column (column C), and counting values in yet another column (column D).

The Power of Query

The real power of the Query function became evident as I explored its potential further. With a slight modification of the query string, we could adapt it to various data analysis tasks. This newfound tool allowed us to generate reports, gather insights, and visualize data trends swiftly and efficiently.

As I witnessed its capabilities, I couldn’t help but think about how this function could be harnessed to streamline various tasks, from project management to financial analysis, and beyond. It was a reminder of the incredible resources available at our fingertips, waiting to be discovered and utilized.

A Lesson in Simplicity: Dropdown Menus

But the learning experience didn’t stop there. My colleagues had one more trick up their sleeves to share: the art of creating dropdown menus in Google Sheets. While seemingly straightforward, this feature can be a game-changer in terms of data input and user-friendliness.

Dropdown menus, or lists, allow you to present a predefined set of options to users. In the context of data entry, they make it easier to maintain consistency and reduce the chances of errors. My colleagues showed me how to create these dropdowns effortlessly, enabling smoother data input and enhancing the overall functionality of the spreadsheet.

Google Visualization API Query Language: The Bigger Picture

Intrigued by what I had learned, I decided to dive deeper. It turns out that the Query function is part of the Google Visualization API Query Language. This language is not limited to Google Sheets alone; it can be used in various Google tools, including Google Charts and Google Data Studio. It's a versatile tool for creating dynamic dashboards, interactive reports, and data-driven visualizations.

Conclusion: The Power of Sharing Knowledge

This experience reminded me of the profound impact that sharing knowledge and helping others can have on our own growth and understanding. What started as a simple act of assistance turned into a journey of discovery, unveiling the hidden potential of a tool we had at our disposal all along.

So, the next time you find yourself in a position to help someone, seize the opportunity. You never know what valuable lessons and insights you might gain in return. In our digital age, tools like Google Sheets continue to evolve, offering us new ways to work smarter and more efficiently. It’s up to us to explore and share these discoveries, enriching not only our own lives but the lives of those around us as well.

Here’s to the magic of helping and learning, one formula and one dropdown menu at a time. 🚀📊


Bing, ChatGPT


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Siddique Ahmad
Bazaar Engineering

Passionate about devops, data analytics, business solutions, #kubernets @debezium flink-statefun, kogito